Uni-directional Watermain Flushing Program
City of Kamloops was required to flush their domestic water lines to handle a new water treatment plant. Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. was retained to assist in the environmental aspect of the flushing water discharge and completed the following tasks:
Research methodologies to discharge flushing water in an environmentally safe manner
Coordinate with government agencies to receive permission for the discharge methodologies
Oversee the stormwater discharges into the Thompson River systems, while implementing mitigation measures and best management practices in order to meet regulatory requirements.
Collect and collate water quality data during discharge events and produce written reports
Lakeshore Management Policy Review
Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. was retained by the Cariboo Regional District to rewrite their Lakeshore Management Guidelines. The following tasks were involved:
Community interviews were held throughout the Region to obtain public input.
Information was collected throughout North America to review new lakeshore guidelines in different jurisdictions.
A final report was completed with Regional District representative input.
OCP Stream Assessment, TNRD
TNRD retained Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. to assess all watercourses in the Cherry Creek/Savona Official Community Plan area to determine which ones were subject to the Riparian Areas Regulation.
Field surveys were completed encompassing all watercourses in the subject area.
A report was written summarizing and categorizing all watercourses in the Official Community Plan area.
Environmental Assessment of Proposed Talking Rock Golf Course
Little Shuswap Indian Band retained Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. to complete a Federally authorized Environmental Assessment of land proposed for a new golf course on Band land.
Identify and summarize environmental baseline features and potential for Species at Risk.
Identify potential adverse environmental effects.
Propose measures to mitigate adverse environmental effects.
Incorporate environmental factors into design and decision making.