regulatory permitting
& APprovals
Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. has the expertise to supply our clients with services relating to the following government requirements including, but not limited to the following:
Section 11 under the Water Sustainability Act Notification and Approval applications for Changes In and About a Stream
Request for Project Review and Project Authorization under the Federal Fisheries Act
Industrial and Municipal Discharges under the Waste Management Act
Land Tenure Applications under the Lands Act
Licensing of ground water wells under the Water Sustainability Act
Applications for In-Stream Works under the Navigation Protection Act

water quality
Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. has undertaken many diverse water quality studies on both lotic and lentic ecosystems in the Southern and Central Interior of BC. Our Qualified Environmental Professionals have comprehensive experience undertaking water quality studies including the analysis of water quality data.

aquatic & fisheries science
Fish and Aquatic Life form Salvage
Fish and Aquatic Habitat Compensation Planning and Monitoring
Substance Spill Control Monitoring and Remediation
Compensation Design for Harmful Alteration Destruction and Disruption of Fish Habitat (HADD)
Riparian Area Regulation (RAR)
Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. has a wide range of experience in fisheries and aquatic sciences. We possess a strong understanding of aquatic ecosystem communities (i.e., fish, invertebrates, and flora) and are proficient with the diverse collection methods and standards utilized within the environmental industry. A summary of our fisheries-based services, expertise, and professional interests are provided below:
Benthic Invertebrates
Fish and fish habitat inventories and assessments
Fish Stream Classification
Fish Passage Assessments
Client and Regulator Liaison
Environmental Permitting, Licensing, Approvals, and Notifications
Water Quality Sampling and Monitoring

species at risk
Many of the projects Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. has worked on have involved an aspect of identification, inventory, and/or habitat evaluation for Species at Risk. We are extremely familiar with provincial Best Management Practices, COSEWIC status and recovery reports, and RISC inventory methods related to the many identified Species at Risk within the southern interior and throughout BC. We have knowledge in species identification, habitat preferences and prescribing site specific best management practices to help minimize adverse impacts to species and their habitat.

riparian areas regulations
As Qualified Environmental Professionals, we have been involved in completing riparian area assessments since our company’s inception in 2002. These assessments have been completed in the Thompson Nicola Regional District, Columbia Shuswap Regional District and North Okanagan Regional District. We have completed in excess of 100 different assessments for a variety of clients.

environmental monitoring
Lakeshore Environmental Ltd. has the capacity to undertake diverse environmental monitoring projects. We understand construction and engineering and the challenging logistics between the two. This understanding allows us to work with and alongside regulating agencies, contractors and stakeholders to ensure that the project stays on track and Best Management Practices for the protection of precious watercourses, important/sensitive terrestrial habitats and ecosystems are adhered to. We are Qualified Environmental Professionals with over 50 years combined experience of environmental monitoring private and public infrastructure development projects. Our diverse environmental monitoring services include:
Municipal Water Intakes
Pile Driving
Work in and About a Stream/Lake
Bridge Construction
Culvert removals
Shoreline Protection
In-stream Site Isolation
Fish Salvages
Fish Passage Restoration
Dams and Dykes
Water Intakes
Water Quality

terrestrial assessments
Lakeshore Environmental Ltd has in-depth experience with wildlife and vegetation assessments including a variety of resource development projects throughout BC. We inventory and assess flora and vegetation communities, fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. We provide:
Amphibian Surveys and Salvages
Species at Risk (COSEWIC and SARA)
Rare and Invasive Plant and Community Inventories and Assessment
Avian Inventories including
Pre-clearing Nest Surveys